The Melbourne Esperanto Association was one of the first Esperanto Clubs in Australia and has had over the years a very active life.  We meet on the first and third Monday of the month on level 2 in historical Ross House, very close to architecturally beautiful Flinders Street Station. Our two main aims are to teach new recruits to the language, and to efficiently improve our members’ working knowledge of Esperanto.

Marcel Leereveld, a long term member who passed away in 2023, had written various books on grammar and style. His definitive grammar book “Lingvaj Resondoj” is available from the Melbourne Esperanto Association, or downloaded from our website. We maintain a very rich library of Esperanto books, as well as various items of Esperanto historical value.

The Melbourne Esperanto Association of course, is a member of the Australian Esperanto Association and we are always keen to assist other clubs or individuals in Australia.

To join our Discord server for Esperantists in Victoria, please visit

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